Home Remedies To Control High Blood Pressure


Today, high blood pressure is one of the most common heart problems that people face. A normal blood pressure reading is 120/80 mm Hg. Every person's blood pressure should be less than this. High blood pressure leads to a powerful flow of blood through the arteries. This increases pressure and may damage the blood vessels. According to a recent survey report, more than half of Americans are suffering from high blood pressure or hypertension. Well, there can be many reasons behind high blood pressure or hypertension. This is also known as "silent killer". The reason for this term is that high blood pressure does not show any symptoms until there's some damage to the heart. It's true that many heart problems can be cured by surgery. You may be surprised to know that cardiovascular procedures may lead to brain stroke too. In order to prevent the brain from damage, doctors use an embolic protection device during TAVR. The good news is that there are some ways that can help you control your high blood pressure.

Home Remedies To Control High Blood Pressure

Get moving

Everybody knows the importance of exercising every day. 30 to 60 minutes of daily exercise is extremely important for healthy living. Regular exercising not only helps you maintain your blood pressure but also improves your physical and mental balance. Besides this, regular exercise decreases the risk of diabetes and other cardiovascular problems. So, it's imperative to be active physically. However, if you are not much active then don't jump into so many hard workout sessions. Start slowly and then pick the pace. 

If you are not a gym lover then you can go for jogging, swimming, hiking and more. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), incorporating muscle strengthening can help you improve your physical and mental well-being. You can do pushups or try weight lifting exercises to build lean muscle mass.

Follow the DASH diet

Diet plays a major role in maintaining our health. So, it's important to improve your diet first. If you want to maintain your blood pressure then you should follow the DASH diet.

DASH means Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. This diet helps you lower your blood pressure. 

Wondering, what includes in DASH diet?

It includes:

eating vegetables, fruits, and whole grains

eliminating processed foods, fatty meats, and full-fat dairy products

eating lean meats, low-fat dairy products, fish, and nuts

Also, avoid sweetened beverages like juice and soda.

Lose Excess Weight

High blood pressure and weight go hand in hand. So, it's important to keep yourself fit. The extra fat across your waist is known as visceral fat. This can lead to serious health problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart stroke, and more. 

Generally, men should have a waistline of fewer than 40 inches. However, women should not exceed 35 inches. So, if you are overweight then you should first focus on losing excess weight. Well, daily exercising and a proper diet can help you lose weight easily.



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